Friday, February 11, 2011

Zen X-files : Case #14 – Zen Resides in Silence (禪門國際公案14 – 有性無言)

Case #14 : Zen Resides in Silence

A monk asked : “Master teacher, Can you please tell me how to answer a question when everything is just nothing.” [1]

Zen master answered : “One can ask and one can answer, Zen says none.” [2]

[1] The original text is “How to use no words and no images to answer a question?”. But here I borrow the previous file about everything is nothing as a reference, so it’s easier to understand the true meaning of this question.

[2] We often think that there must be an answer to a question. And people think the teachings of Zen are complex and difficult. But actually, Zen resides in silence. 
公案14 : 有性無言



[1] 聲色,是代指佛經中所謂六根六塵的眼耳鼻舌身意,色聲香味觸法,也就是世間一切因緣事物。問如何離聲色外,就是在考問禪師如果聲色都是虛妄,那要怎麼用言語聲音文字影像來求得禪的真意呢?

[2] 木人指的是就是一般人,未開悟的人。有性指的是已悟道者。所以常言和尚不打誑語,就是指我們每天說三道四,其實都只是空口妄語,人云亦云,真正要悟道絕不能光打嘴皮。禪門悟道,無聲更勝有聲。


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Zen X-files : Case #13 –Everything is Nothing (禪門國際公案13 – 一物亦無)

Case #13 : Everything is Nothing

A monk asked a Zen master : “There is an old saying : “Everything has its answer and everything has no answer, but Buddha said either one of them are true”. Master, please tell me what’s the truth?”

The Master replied : “Everything is just nothing. Is there A QUESTION?” [1]

[1] This teaching is the Zen version of the previous file – No Questions and No Answers. When you still have the question about what’s the alternate answer, then you’ve not understood that everything is all but an illusion of nothing, there is no question at all. So is there a question, or isn’t that the question itself being just another illusion?

公案13 : 一物亦無



[1] 前一篇無問無答就是在說,有問題才有答案,沒有問題何需作答,所以道有論跟道無論,兩者都不是佛要教導眾生的。禪-講求空即是有,有即是空。說來矛盾其實卻並不矛盾也。

[2] 常云:天下本無事,庸人自擾之。無我亦無心,無心亦無佛。一物亦無何來困擾之?