Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Zen X-files : Case #5 - Whipping The Ox or The Cart (禪門國際公案5)

Case #5 : Whipping The Ox or The Cart

Once a pond the time, a young Buddhist monk was practicing meditation everyday in a Buddhist temple, a Zen master passed by and asked him : “Why do you meditate, my young friend?”

Young Buddhist monk answered : “I’m trying to become Buddha.”

The Zen master did not replied, but took a brick on the floor. And then, he started to polish it with a rock in front of the young monk.

The young monk was curious, and asked : “Why are you polishing that brick, Zen master?”

The Zen master answered : “In order to make it as shinning as a mirror.”

The young monk gasped : “How could that be possible?”

Zen master : “If you don’t think a brick can be polished into a mirror, why do you think it’s possible to become Buddha by just meditating?”

Young monk : “If so, what should I do?”

Zen master : “When you are driving an oxcart, if the ox won’t go further, do you whip the ox or the cart?[1]”

The young Buddhist monk pondered.

[1] This is probably one of the famous and yet easily understanding case. When people talk about Zen absorption or meditation, they tend to think of it as a magic pill. However, meditation is just a technique, it can help you calm your mind, and have a better understanding of your true feelings. It’s not the physical practicing doesn’t matters, you still need to understand the true meaning of Buddha is a way of looking the world, and looking oneself. Or it’s just an exercise like any others.


公案5 : 打車打牛











[1] 馬祖道一是有名的禪宗六祖慧能徒孫,懷讓禪師高足。這篇在<景德傳燈錄>是有名的禪門南宗傳心公案。

[2] 這篇公案內容樸實,寓意顯白,但並非沒有禪理。乍看下似乎很容易理會,不過如果仔細去想想,牛何其無辜,車不走或許不是牛的錯,也許是車輪不行。許多人以為學習坐禪還可以預防保健,強神保健,試問這樣是在打牛還是打車呢?

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